Your Midlife Clarity Starts Here


As your midlife journey unfolds, the path ahead can feel unclear… The emotional scars from past relationships hold you back. The satisfaction you once expected from your career falls short. And the joyful wholeness you thought you'd have by now feels out of reach.

The truth is, a life of positivity and fulfillment is closer than you think. Through my positive energy and mindset coaching, we can cultivate your personal and professional transformation. It's time to turn your midlife crisis into midlife clarity.

Learn how

Download Your Human Design Chart

Discover your type, profile, strategy, and authority by tapping into the world of human design. Download your chart here, complete with a PDF mini-reading on your type and authority.


Already have your human design chart?

If so, book a call with Ashley Deschaine — Positive Energy and Mindset Coach who will explain the meaning behind your reading.

Book Your Consultation
Human Design Reading

The path to a joyful and fulfilling life journey starts by knowing ourselves. An intensive human design reading can guide you toward understanding your personality, decision-making, and interactions with others. With your unique blueprint in mind, you can make meaningful strides towards intentional living and sharing your special gifts to benefit others.

Learn more
Deep Dive

Join me for four weeks of an intensive journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Through three personalized strategy sessions and two reflection calls, we can create and implement strategies that will align you with your true self and ensure a sustainable transformation. That’s all with unlimited support through the voice messaging platform Voxer.

Embrace Self-Discovery
Monthly Membership

Deconditioning our brain takes time and consistency. My Monthly Membership is perfect for you if you are needing to address deeper-seated patterns, beliefs, and energy blocks. Through progressive strategy sessions, personalized growth assignments, and consistent energetic healing and balancing, we can transform you back to the beautiful soul you were destined to be. 

Start Journey

Human Design Made Simple


Hello beautiful friends! So you know your energy what? great question! In this guide, I will not only share more fascinating details about each of the energy type, but also how to incorporate your special energy into your daily life. This guide makes human design simple, relatable and actionable. My wish for you is that you are able to find and unleash your inner joy, use your special energy for good, and foster healthier, happier relationships. 


  Connect with a deeper
sense of purpose

Imagine living with authenticity, finding peace with the past, and waking up each day with confidence. Positive energy and mindset coaching is all about your unique journey as you overcome the obstacles weighing you down. That’s where I can help. Through the power of human design, Reiki energy healing, and EFT tapping, we can connect you with newfound fulfillment in your relationships, career, and life as a whole.

Discover trusted guidance

You are an individual. You are valuable.
You can live an authentic life. As a Positive Energy and Mindset Coach, I measure my success based on your growth. I'm talking about connecting you with tailored strategies and tools you can use to become your best self. From rekindling your motivation to elevating your outlook, my coaching is all about your progress.

About Me

Ashley Deschaine  — Positive Energy and Mindset Coach

Let’s take the first step, together

Together, we can overcome barriers. We can build thriving connections. We can put your highest aspirations within reach.


I invite you to take the first step on your journey by reaching out today. Discover what my positive energy and mindset coaching services could mean for you!

Get In Touch

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