Explore my services

Take the first step by exploring my services below.

1:1 Human Design & Coaching Services

Human Design Reading

The path to a joyful and fulfilling life journey starts by knowing ourselves. An intensive human design reading can guide you toward understanding your personality, decision-making, and interactions with others. With your unique blueprint in mind, you can make meaningful strides towards intentional living and sharing your special gifts to benefit others.

Single Reading $159 ā†’


Deep Dive


Join me for four weeks of an intensive journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Through four personalized strategy sessions and 2 reflection calls, we can create and implement strategies that will align you with your true self and ensure a sustainable transformation. Thatā€™s all with unlimited support through the voice messaging platform Voxer.

Embrace Self-Discovery

Monthly Membership


Deconditioning our brain takes time and consistency. My monthly membership is perfect for you if you are needing to address deeper-seated patterns, beliefs, and energy blocks. Through progressive strategy sessions, personalized growth assignments, and consistent energetic healing and balancing, we can transform you back to the beautiful soul you were meant to be all along.Ā 

Start Your Journey

Group programs and workshops

Many of the women Iā€™ve worked with draw strength from others who share in their dating and relationship challenges. With several sessions throughout the year, my group programs and workshops keep you connected with a community of understanding. Stay current on upcoming events by joining below.

Join Today

1:1 empowerment & dating services

Human design reading


The path to the perfect partner starts by knowing ourselves. My human design reading services can guide you toward healing, acceptance, and understanding. With your unique aura in mind, you can make meaningful strides toward finding the one.

Find Your Essence

3-month discovery


Oftentimes, understanding is only the beginning. Through three months of weekly empowerment & dating coaching sessions, we can bridge the gap between your relationship aspirations and action. Thatā€™s all with unlimited support through the voice messaging platform Voxer.

Embrace Self-Discovery

6-month journey


Lifelong relationships take time. For additional support, I offer six months of empowerment & dating coaching sessions with the same focus and dedication as my three-month offering. Together, we can make meaningful strides toward your breakthrough.

Start Your Journey